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The Gluten-Free Gurus

Karen Horan from the Singapore Celiac and Gluten Intolerance Support Group

Karen Horan

Karen is the mom of a celiac daughter and gluten intolerant husband and has been running a gluten-free household since 2006. Karen and her family moved from America to Singapore in 2011 and she established the

Singapore Celiac and Gluten Intolerance Support Group, and Gluten Free Singapore soon after.

The move to Singapore brought an adaption to new ingredients and an adoption of new gluten-free favorite foods. An educator at heart, Karen loves to help people embrace, enjoy and thrive on a gluten-free diet.

Karen's long term goal is to raise gluten-free awareness and provide gluten-free eduction within Singapore.

Charlotte Court from the Singapore Celiac and Gluten Free Support Group

Charlotte Court

Charlotte is the founder of The English Rose Cake Company, specialising in bespoke gluten-free cakes. She relocated from the UK to Singapore with her family in 2019.

Charlotte's first experience with a gluten-free diet was in 2002 when her husband and young son were both diagnosed with celiac disease within a month of each other. She immediately took on the challenge of learning absolutely everything she could and cooking tasty gluten-free meals for the sake of her family's health.

Charlotte believe that everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions, deserves a beautiful, unique and delicious cake to celebrate their special events. She is able to offer cakes that are safe for people with celiac disease and loved by everyone.

Katie Carver

Katie is super awesome. She needs a photo and a bio here.

The very good boy in this photo is not Katie, but just as wonderful. He has a heart of gold and would sniff out gluten if given the chance.

Waiting for blog backend to be updated.

At the moment, the blog opens up in the space below with the post buttons still in the row up top. This does not look good and is awkward. Even when set to open in a new tab, the page only duplicates. Currently it is not possible to open a blog post with nothing else on the page.